Saturday, October 9, 2010

More whitecoats...

The Reserve-Korp, commanded by the General der Cavallerie Prinz Christian Phillip von Lowenstein-Wertheim, and the Grenadier Corp, under the command of the Generalfeldwachtmeister Graf Joseph D'Ayasasa, here in a portrait conserved at the Wiener-Neustadt Akademie
According to Duffy they were both capable and competent commander and distinguished themselves at Torgau leading repeated counterattacks. The Grenadiers are in the forefront:

The converged foot grenadiers,

and the converged Karabiniers from the Cuirassiers regiments and the Horse Grenadiers from the Dragoons regiments. At Torgau they were "brigaded" with the foot grenadiers into two units under the command of Ferrari and Von Normann:

The Lowenstein Reserve-Korp: the infantry brigades Daumbach in the first line (IR 41 Bayeruth and the hungarian IR 51 Gyulai) and Bibow (IR 36 Tillier, light-blue facings and IR 40 Jung Colloredo );

The Reserve-Korps cavalry was formed by the Cuirassier Brigade Bettoni (CR 10 Stampach and CR 12 Serbelloni),

and by the unfortunate DR 31 Saint-Ignon (the "blancs-bec" of Kolin memoirs): the regiment was taken between two prussian columns in the wood and annihilated by the Zeiten Hussars in the early stages of the battle. In the picture is followed by Lowenstein, in the words of Daun " a thoroughly bad individual".

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