Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lacy corps

The Lacy Corps was placed between Zinna and the Grosserr Teich: it faced for almost all the day the stranded Zeiten Corps. Lacy was subsequently blamed for not being capable to stop the redeployment of Zeiten towards Suptitz.

The von Goesnitz Saxon cavalry Brigade under F.M.L. Zeschwitz:

Right: the Saxon redeployed. Bottom: the Kaiser hussars, in front of dragoons and cuirassiers and the croats, whose 3 pdr. light battalion guns fixed Zeiten attention until late in the afternoon.

Lacy infantry: the Buttler and Meyern divisions

A close up of the pink faced Ligne regiment (IR 38):

Lacy and his staff: uniquely in my collection, they are Baccus.


Steven said...

Hey, found your blog on the V&B yahoo group.

I started my own blog on games as well, and I love war game blogs.

Currently my buddy and I are playing ACW half scale, but looking at doing AWI and maybe SYW half scale using 6mm as well.

wanted to tell you I love the blog and ask you to stop by mine and say hi and add any comments. Im hoping to add our after action report on a small ACW battle we had last Saturday.

Do you have a feed I can subscribe too?

here is my site, please check it out and say hi. www.fungamesroom.com

thanks again


Steven said...

oh, and I did see how to join your blog, thanks
