Friday, July 23, 2010

Austrian Army: the center

The center of the Austrian Army arrayed and waiting for the bluecoats:

in the first line the Aremberg division (IR 26 Puebla, IR 28 Wied, IR 1 Kaiser, IR 7 Niepperg, IR 42 Gaisruck) and the Sincere division (IR 17 Kollowrat, IR 27 Baden-Durlach, IR 2 Herzog Karl and IR 8 Hildinburghausen). In the second line the powerful Wied division (IR 3 Lothringen, IR 12 Botta, IR 21 Aremberg, IR 56 Mercy, IR 47 Harrach, IR 50 Harsch, IR 54 Sincere and IR 59 Leopold Daun).
The Prussian point of view...

The Austrian heavy guns battery:

A close-up of Sincere division: the IR 27 Baden-Durlach (light-blue lapels) and IR 17 Kollowrat

The Sincere division, out of focus in the first line, and the Brinken brigade from the Wied division:

IR 12 Botta and IR 3 Prinz Karl von Lothringen from the brigade Browne of Wied division:


TWR said...

Fabrizio, an excellent start and I look forward to reading of future SYW 6mm editions using Volley & Bayonet.

I've added a link at my own blog.

David Morfitt said...

Splendid - excellent to see the whitecoats mustering in force! :-)

(If only the battle could be made to have the right result i.e. NOT a Prussian victory... ;-))

