Friday, July 23, 2010

Austrian Army: the center

The center of the Austrian Army arrayed and waiting for the bluecoats:

in the first line the Aremberg division (IR 26 Puebla, IR 28 Wied, IR 1 Kaiser, IR 7 Niepperg, IR 42 Gaisruck) and the Sincere division (IR 17 Kollowrat, IR 27 Baden-Durlach, IR 2 Herzog Karl and IR 8 Hildinburghausen). In the second line the powerful Wied division (IR 3 Lothringen, IR 12 Botta, IR 21 Aremberg, IR 56 Mercy, IR 47 Harrach, IR 50 Harsch, IR 54 Sincere and IR 59 Leopold Daun).
The Prussian point of view...

The Austrian heavy guns battery:

A close-up of Sincere division: the IR 27 Baden-Durlach (light-blue lapels) and IR 17 Kollowrat

The Sincere division, out of focus in the first line, and the Brinken brigade from the Wied division:

IR 12 Botta and IR 3 Prinz Karl von Lothringen from the brigade Browne of Wied division:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Feldmarschall Graf Daun

To introduce the Austrian Army, we begin with the Army Commander, the Field-Marshall Graf Leopold Daun, here as depicted by Menzel:

and here on a standard 1.5" square Army Coomander base:

The fancy yellow-clad foot figure is taken from this delightful picture:

which can be found in the 1762 Bautzener Bilderhandschrift as reproduced by L.-H. Thümmler (Die Osterreichische Armee im Siebenjahrigen Krieg, Brandenburgisches Verlaghaus)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Pretty busy with my real life, so the whitecoats must wait to deploy. In the meantime a small package from the U.S. arrived. Back in early June I bought on e-bay the delightful Reichsarmee division nicely painted by Stevemh 71 and based for Age of Honor:

Age of Honor - 6mm project

They arrived with no damage, only some figure detached from the base:

I am in the process of rebasing them for V&B, so I am pretty busy in painting battalion guns and gunners, field officers and some additional flag. Stay tuned to see the Reichsarmee contingent, maybe ready to defend Freiberg...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Bulow division

The bulk of first column was made by the 15 battalions and 30 field guns of the Ramin, Gablenz and Butzke brigades at the orders of Lt. General von Bulow. Here the division emerges from the woods:

In the first line the regiments Alt Stutterheim (IR 30), Manteuffel (IR 17) and Goltz (IR 24),

followed by the regiments of Queiss (IR 8), Jung Stutterheim (IR 20), Alt Braunschweig (IR 5), Forcade (IR 23) and Wedell (IR 26) still in column:

The division arrayed for the battle

Here a close-up of the regiment of Queiss. I used two 5 figures strip to represent a battalion: between the battalions the ensign (i choosed to represent only one flag) and a field officier with partisan. Behind each battalion a sergent and a drummer.

The battalion gun is served by three artilleryman and the regiment is under the watchful eye of a mounted Lt. Colonel..

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Markgraf Karl, Hussars and guns

General der Infanterie Markgraf Karl was the nominal commander of the first attack column which comprised the grenadier brigades. The column was spearheaded by the Zeiten Hussars (HR 2). Each of the grenadier brigades was accompained by a battery of 10 heavy guns, left behind in the hasty attack ordered by Frederick.

The Zeiten Hussars, on two regimental stands (5 squadrons each):

The heavy guns, stranded in the forest defiles...

A 1760 map

This map of the battle is taken from the article "The Prussian ACCOUNT by AUTORITHY of the Battle fought near Torgau on the 3d of November, 1760. With an accurate Plan of the Battle, neatly engraved", which appeared in "The Supplement to the Universal Magazine, vol. XXVII, December 1760, 367-371".

Yes, December 1760! A sort of XVIIIth century web-zine....

The newspaper contains also an Austrian relation on the battle. I bought the map with the relevant part of the newspaper (a newspaper of nearly 400 pages, by the way) years ago on E-bay.

For those accustomed with the battle, the map is fairly correct and descriptive: compare with the title map which is from a 1845 german Military History Atlas (more details in the next future)